Friday, July 3, 2009

No Offense...

... but mother nature missed it mark, missed by a few office doors, I suppose.

This country just has too many malice-infested offices, too many malicious public officials. Mother nature has a way of leveling things up, a way of making sure that corruption does not totally eclipse out the population of activists and apoliticals.

She sent AH1N1 to even things up. AH1N1 found the right buiding, got in and found it's supposed mark (first of many). But, alas, it got the wrong one. It missed its mark.

Mother nature missed Members of Congress. I'm sure the virus waited and waited in the dark and dingy halls of the Batasan Pambansa waiting for its congressmen. But what Mother Nature failed to take into account was that Members of Congress do not attend sessions. They're Congressmen (or women). They do not have to go to congress. They've already won. There is no more need to keep the pretension of being civil servants. They can be congressmen anywhere: They can be congressmen in a golf course, a beach resort,a five star hotel, even abroad.

My condolence to the first casualty of the dreaded AH1N1. My heart goes out to your family and friends.

I hope next time the AH1N1 gets its mark.

I think there's a list somewhere.

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